
Roman Koronczok
Mesothelioma Survivor of 15 years Watch the Video

Roman Koronczok
Mesothelioma Survivor of 15 years

Thank you again for all the work and support. I come away from this with the feeling that everything that could be done, was.

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I wanted to thank you again for all you’ve done on my case. When re-reading it this afternoon I was struck by the thought that ‘this is what I had hoped for when I originally raised the Medicare fraud issue. A clear, well-reasoned, and nuanced legal filing that put the key questions on the desk of federal judges.’

I recall the mediator telling us that our chances were slim; whatever our chances, you’ve put my case in the best possible position for a fair ruling.

Thank you and WK again for all the work and support. I come away from this with the feeling that everything that could be done, was. And that means a lot to a whistleblower.

Edward C.
Career Machinist

Bill and Geneva Hornsby

Frank Lowery
Career Drywaller

Finding a trusted lawyer can be a difficult decision, and I was blessed to find Waters and Kraus. Definitely a 5 star lawyer and firm!

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Finding a trusted lawyer can be a difficult decision, and I was blessed to find Paul Lawrence of Waters and Kraus. Mr. Lawrence is knowledgeable and very friendly. Willing to put in the extra time to make sure he has the most up to date legal research and is fully prepared for your case. Prompt at answering your personal questions and concerns. Definitely a 5 star lawyer and firm!

George Mathias

When he passed away, he knew my mom would be financially secure. It allowed him to go with great dignity and peace.

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Please accept my deepest gratitude for the work you have done for my dad and my family this past year. My dad died with peace of mind knowing that his wife and family would be financially secure because of the work your firm had done. He struggled with his cancer for so long without knowing what was wrong. When he was finally diagnosed and had a name for his pain— he was able to face it with dignity.

My brother and I stumbled upon your mesothelioma information page after doing on-line research. We were mailed packets with your firm’s name in the last pages of the packet…but we didn’t have the knowledge or understanding it took to tackle the issue. …my dad showed the packet to a friend of his who had been a nurse in Italy…she insisted he make contact. Within days you made contact and the rest is amazing history.

I am and will remain awed at the speed of what transpired. You gathered so much information in such a short time span and produced results within months…When he passed away, he knew my mom would be financially secure. It allowed him to go with great dignity and peace.

As the last year has passed my family was involved and throughout the process we were treated with respect, kindness and genuine concern. Because of this I would like to convey a message of appreciation and thankfulness to all involved.

“You-all” are pretty darn amazing and made a tremendous difference in our family! Thank you.

D. Cottew
Paul Coyle, Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel Client

Paul Coyle
Boiler Tender, U.S. Navy

Tommie Williams
Shipyard Worker

Allan Whaley
Machinist, U.S. Navy

To all who (behind the scenes) had a part in our trial, we are very pleased with the way you all handled our trial.

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To all who (behind the scenes) had a part in our trial, we are very pleased with the way you all handled our trial.

My husband’s favorite TV show was “Texas Rangers.” If he only knew he had the “Texas Stars”representing him!

Thanks again for a job well done!

J. Wagner

Albert Hassall
Boiler Tender, U.S. Navy and Civilian

We would like to give special thanks to Gary Paul for his outstanding presentation of our case and his compassion for the cause of our family.

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We are writing this letter to commend all the staff at Waters & Kraus for a job well done in the preparation and the presentation of our lawsuit. We can’t say enough about the people that we worked directly with and those behind the scenes. During our trial we were made extremely comfortable under very difficult circumstances. We would like to give special thanks to the attorney who flew out and met with us in our home and gave us the confidence to move forward with our decision. We would like to acknowledge Joy Sparling for her graciousness with our many questions.

Lastly but certainly not least we would like to give special thanks to Gary Paul for his outstanding presentation of our case and his compassion for the cause of our family, we believe his expertise and tenacity made the difference in this case. Our most sincere thanks to everyone at Waters & Kraus for all you have done. We are blessed as a family to have made the decision for Waters & Kraus to represent us. We are greatly appreciative.

The Rollin Family

John Shelton
Feeder Operator and Tire Press Operator

Dallas Ellis
Construction Worker and Auto Mechanic

Robert Olson
Pipecoverer and Insulator

Thank you so much for your kind words, actions, thoughts, and prayers during all of those difficult years…

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Thank you so much for your kind words, actions, thoughts, and prayers during all of those difficult years… Blessings to you and your family.

L. Treggett

Val Johns
IC Electrician, U.S. Navy

All of you have been kind to me. You made it possible for my husband to not have to worry about me being taken care of after his death.

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All of you have been kind to me. You made it possible for my husband to not have to worry about me being taken care of after his death. Even though I will be financially O.K., I would give everything back to have him back. One day, one hour, one minute at a time.

When I call your office, it is always comforting to talk to my paralegal when I need questions answered which she kindly does. And to my lawyer, you’ve done an awesome job. I believe you are truly passionate about the families. Thank you.

L. Reed

Miguel Valverde
Commercial Truck Driver

George Lachapelle
Roustabout/Pipeliner and Carpenter

mesothelioma lawyers

Bill Perreault
U.S. Navy

Your research of our case, your professionalism before and during the trial, and especially during negotiations with the defendants is to be admired.

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Now that my case has been settled I feel it necessary to write and let you know how grateful I am to your firm…Your research of our case, your professionalism before and during the trial, and especially during negotiations with the defendants is to be admired; and I thank you for the care and empathy that the attorneys gave this case.

However, the real reason for this letter is to acknowledge [my lawyer]. From our first telephone conversation…he has been there for me. Always answering my questions, never too busy to take my calls or call me at 8:00 pm. Always letting me know the status of the case. Without him, I would have been very lost and confused. He…should be commended for his work, his patience and his professionalism. His commitment to his clients will stay with me for a very long time.

Thank you again for the work you do on behalf of those who are victims of mesothelioma and their families.

M. Smith

My sincere thanks for the efforts made in the past, and being made to obtain settlements on my behalf. I appreciate all the work your company and staff have done.

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I would like to express to you my sincere thanks for the efforts made in the past, and being made to obtain settlements on my behalf. I appreciate all the work your company and staff have done, and I just wanted to convey my gratitude.

S. Colvin

We wanted to express our deep appreciation to all of you for the hard work you have done for us.

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We wanted to express our deep appreciation to all of you for the hard work you have done for us. It seems strange to meet perfect strangers and to pour our hearts out to you for a few days, and then walk away, probably never to see you again. It is sad that happens, but we just wanted to express our deepest appreciation for all the kindness you have shown to us as well as Greg and Mike.

Thanks also for all the others at Waters & Kraus who have helped us during the past 1½ years. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers. With deepest appreciation and thanks.

The Robinson Family