
Milestone Reached in Texas Online Voter Registration

(Forbes) 500,000 Texans Register to Vote in 5 Months Through New Online Registration.

A September court ruling allowing Texans to register to vote online when updating their driver’s license has now led over half a million to register to vote in the state, according to the advocacy group MOVE Texas—a milestone voting rights advocates hope will lead to the adoption of a broad online voter registration system in Texas, which is by far the largest state not allowing all voters to register online.

A judge ruled in September the state had to start allowing residents to add their names to voter rolls when updating driver’s license information after MOVE Texas and the Texas Civil Rights Project sued, marking the first time online voter registration was allowed at all in Texas.

The lawsuit successfully argued the National Voter Registration Act (also called the motor voter law), which requires states to let residents register to vote when applying for or renewing a driver’s license, should also apply if that process is online.

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