
Posts Tagged ‘medical developments’

Asbestos Exposure, Mesothelioma Litigation Trends Focus of California Conference

products liability attorney

Asbestos Exposure, Mesothelioma Litigation Trends Focus of California Conference

Co-Chair Michael Armitage: Conference occurs at important time for asbestos-exposure mesothelioma litigation

LOS ANGELES – Top asbestos-exposure litigators from both sides of the bar and judges who have presided over some of the most important recent asbestos-related mesothelioma cancer trials are gathering in Los Angeles to review litigation trends, trial techniques and the science...

What are my chances?

That’s the first question everyone asks. The truth is it’s impossible to know. But we can tell you this. Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel has what it takes to fight against big corporate interests and win. That’s why we’ve taken more mesothelioma trials to verdict than any other firm. And that’s why we’ve recovered more than $1.3 billion for clients like you. Do you think you have a case? Contact us now to speak with an attorney.

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