
Posts Tagged ‘sexual assault’

Sex Abuse Victims are Coming Forward and Making a Difference

Sex Abuse Victims are Coming Forward and Making a Difference

During National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, we salute victims of sexual abuse who are making a difference by bravely coming forward to demand justice.

Their bravery is making a difference. Recent research has documented a growing demand for schools to be held accountable for failing to protect students, along with a surge in large monetary awards and settlements against schools for...

Culver City School District Sex Assault Lawsuit Set for October Trial

Culver City School District Lawsuit

Culver City School District Sex Assault Lawsuit Set for October Trial

Lawsuit: Ninth-grade teacher groomed and sexually assaulted female students in 1974

CULVER CITY, Calif. — The Culver City Unified School District will go to trial October 23 in a lawsuit filed by a former student who alleges she and at least one other student were systematically groomed and sexually assaulted by a ninth-grade social studies teacher in 1974.

According to the...

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