
Posts Tagged ‘Stone worker health risks’

What Stone Workers Need to Know About Silicosis


What Stone Workers Need to Know About Silicosis

Masons and other stone workers are suddenly falling ill across the Southwest with silicosis and severe respiratory diseases. The dust created by their work contains silica, and it’s making them sick. The artificial or engineered stone used to make countertops has been identified as a key source of the deadly mineral.

Lung Damage and Deaths Among Makers of Popular Kitchen...

What are my chances?

That’s the first question everyone asks. The truth is it’s impossible to know. But we can tell you this. Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel has what it takes to fight against big corporate interests and win. That’s why we’ve taken more mesothelioma trials to verdict than any other firm. And that’s why we’ve recovered more than $1.3 billion for clients like you. Do you think you have a case? Contact us now to speak with an attorney.

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