
Tag: whistleblower claim

Your Guide to Reporting Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Fraud

Your Guide to Reporting Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Fraud

June 22, 2021 The Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP, has been a crucial lifeline that provided forgivable loans for small businesses scraping by...

CBS Show Highlights Hero Whistleblower Mychal Wilson in Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel Case

CBS Show Highlights Hero Whistleblower Mychal Wilson in Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel Case

July 13, 2018 The bravery of those who bring to light corporate fraud is the focus of the series premiere. An everyday person,...

Dismissal Ruled Not Automatic if False Claims Act Seal Breached

Dismissal Ruled Not Automatic if False Claims Act Seal Breached

February 3, 2017 When a person learns of possible fraud going on within the company they work for (or otherwise), it is imperative...