
October 5, 2015

Vaginal Mesh Complication Risk: 1 in 30

A decade-long study of almost 60,000 Canadian womenreportedly has revealed that an alarming 1 in 30 women treated with transvaginal mesh (TVM) will suffer pain, bleeding or other complications so severe that a second surgery is required. The troubling findings on this medical device have been published in JAMA Surgery.

Canadian Study Reveals that 1 in 30 Vaginal Mesh Patients Need Second Surgery to Repair or Remove the Implant

The newly-published study was conducted by Blayne Welk, M.D., and his colleagues in London, Canada at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. The doctors looked at 59,887 women implanted with transvaginal mesh between April 2002 and December 2012. This medical device is used to treat women experiencing stress urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

The study’s authors cautioned that patients should be made aware of the “serious complications that can occur with mesh-based procedures for stress urinary incontinence.” The doctors concluded that the safety risks of transvaginal mesh should be studied further, given that “[m]ultiple mesh-based procedures for stress urinary incontinence are a novel risk factor associated with an almost 5-fold higher rate of mesh removal or revision . . . .”

Contact Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel to Learn More About Filing a Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

We understand that injuries caused by pelvic mesh are personal and they’re sensitive. That’s why we’ve assembled a legal team, most of whom are women, to provide our TVM clients with compassionate and aggressive representation throughout the entire litigation. To learn more about Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel, or to have one of our attorneys review your potential meical device case, contact us by email or call our transvaginal mesh lawyers, like Kyla Cole in our Texas office, at800.226.9880.

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