What is Stage Four Mesothelioma and How Long Does it Last?

July 30, 2024

What is Stage Four Mesothelioma and How Long Does it Last?

Although mesothelioma is the respiratory disease most commonly associated with asbestos, other health conditions have been linked to this naturally occurring class of minerals, including lung and other cancers, asbestosis and pleural disease. Early symptoms of these diseases and mesothelioma are similar, including shortness of breath, persistent cough, chest pain and weight loss.

Mesothelioma vs. Asbestosis and related diseases

Although mesothelioma is the respiratory disease most commonly associated with asbestos, other health conditions have been linked to this naturally occurring class of minerals, including lung and other cancers, asbestosis and pleural disease. Early symptoms of these diseases and mesothelioma are similar, including shortness of breath, persistent cough, chest pain and weight loss.

The Stages of Mesothelioma 

Like other types of cancer, mesothelioma is grouped in stages.

  • At Stage 1, tumors have typically begun to form, although they tend to be small and don’t cause noticeable symptoms. Because patients at this stage have the most treatment options, it’s important that individuals who know they have been exposed to asbestos undergo screenings, if possible, to help them get a diagnosis and a treatment plan.
  • At Stage 2, tumors have begun to spread to organs and lymph nodes near the original tumor, but symptoms are still rare. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are common treatments when Stage 2 mesothelioma has been diagnosed.
  • At Stage 3, tumors have moved to more organs and lymph nodes. Symptoms, such as chest pain, breathing problems and nausea may be present. Immunotherapy and chemotherapy are common treatments for Stage 3 mesothelioma.
  • Stage 4 is typically referred to as metastatic cancer. Mesothelioma tumors tend to metastasize — or spread — near the original cancer location, although they may spread throughout the body. Treatments for Stage 4 mesothelioma focus on slowing the growth of the cancer, as a cure at this stage is less likely. Chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation may be used to help improve quality of life and extend survival.

For all mesothelioma stages, life expectancy is 4-18 months. When diagnosed at Stage 4, the average life expectancy is 12 months.

How does asbestos exposure cause mesothelioma and other diseases?

Asbestos is composed of tiny fibers that can easily become airborne when disturbed and often are invisible to the naked eye. The fibers can be inhaled when people aren’t wearing protective gear. The particles work their way into lung and surrounding tissues, causing inflammation that leads to cancer.

Asbestos has been used widely in many industries, such as building and construction for strengthening cement and plastics as well as for insulation, roofing, fireproofing and sound absorption. The maritime industry has used asbestos for those reasons, and to insulate boilers, steam pipes and hot water pipes. Workers in these industries face greater risks from exposure to asbestos.

Veterans, in particular, have a higher likelihood of encountering asbestos during their service due to the prevalence of this hazardous material in military equipment, buildings and vehicles.

How can I tell if I have mesothelioma?

Diagnosis at early stages is a challenge. Imaging may reveal tumors, and biopsies and surgical procedures may help diagnose mesothelioma. Some blood tests may also be used to look for biomarkers that indicate that some type of cancer may be present.

If you experience any breathing problems, testicular masses, chest pain, or other related symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to see if there is any asbestos-related or other disease present.

How We Help Victims of Asbestos Exposure

Seek justice with the help of our experienced asbestos attorneys. Our asbestos law firm has represented individuals like you affected by asbestos exposure for over 20 years, aggressively fighting the corporate giants responsible for their dangerous products. If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos or suffered from a disease caused by asbestos, like mesothelioma, we can help.

Our Results

$880 million award

Historic settlement for over 1,300 survivors of clergy and adult abuse within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, marking a pivotal moment for justice.


$725.5 million award

A Philadelphia jury awarded a record verdict against ExxonMobil for failing to warn about cancer risks due to benzene in its petroleum products.


$20 million award

Confidential settlement for the wife of a Rhode Island man who died of mesothelioma cancer after exposure to window glazing compound contaminated with asbestos.