
The Firm

At Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel, we try important cases.

Important because we seek to right the wrongs done to honest, hardworking people — most of whom are in the fight of their lives. That’s why we take our work so seriously — and why our results are often noteworthy.

Our Experience

Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel is a national plaintiffs’ firm that litigates cases in jurisdictions across the United States on behalf of individuals from all 50 states. We have also successfully represented foreign governments in litigation involving multinational corporations. Today, Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel is one of the most highly respected law firms in the country, with a high referral rate from plaintiffs’ attorneys nationwide. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel also has an office in Los Angeles.

Our Approach

We start by sending your case straight to the top — to the Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel partner who will oversee your case from discovery through trial. Each of our partners is an accomplished lawyer who will head up a team of in-house researchers, associate attorneys, paralegals, and allied professionals to build the strongest case possible. Our thoroughness, coupled with our litigation expertise, makes us a formidable force for justice.

In sharp contrast to litigation mills whose primary goal is to reach a settlement, Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel prepares and pursues every case for litigation. Legal proceedings are expensive, protracted, and complicated affairs that involve great risk — and success favors the side that leaves absolutely nothing to chance. We are highly selective in the cases we accept, and we are wholeheartedly committed to the meticulous preparation of each one.

Our Resources

Our results are enhanced by our resources, which begin with a very able and agile team of experienced partners and attorneys. This allows us to be in multiple jurisdictions around the country on any given day. Our resources include a Medical Resources Department that is second-to-none and an extensive Litigation Support Department.

Medical Resources Department

The capabilities of our Medical Resources Department rival those of some of the nation’s largest law firms. The department was established under the direction of an attorney who is a D.V.M. and holds a Ph.D. in physiology. The department has developed into one of the most comprehensive resources in the legal profession today.

Among our tools are a variety of databases of scientific and medicolegal knowledge comprising more than 10,000 medical and scientific articles. These databases are updated and culled daily for information relevant to our cases, giving our litigation teams immediate access to late-breaking scientific data, medical literature, and medicolegal news. It also ensures that our case files and strategy are thoroughly researched and adequately supported.

Litigation Support Department

This team of research and legal professionals uses cutting-edge, multimedia discovery to monitor industry and legal news, review legal motions and notices, and gather intelligence. Our Litigation Support members focus their full efforts on evaluating huge amounts of information and digging for “smoking gun” documentation. The Litigation Support team currently manages more than 70,000 liability documents. This team also keeps our attorneys up to date on the issues that affect our practice, products that have injured our clients, and the defendants we’ll face during litigation.

Our Commitment to Diversity

When it comes to the rights of the underrepresented and the unprotected, Waters & Kraus takes pride in its long history of fighting on behalf of our clients, ourselves, and many more. Our firm not only champions the rights of people of all nationalities, identities, backgrounds, and beliefs, we also believe in diversity in the workplace. This enhances the quality of service we provide to our clients and makes our firm a more vibrant, fulfilling place to work.

We believe that justice is for all—regardless of color, creed, race, religion, gender, or orientation. Our firm supports organizations focused on advancing civil justice and assisting the underserved in our communities both far and wide. For instance, Waters & Kraus is a proud sponsor of the Anti-Defamation League’s annual Walk Against Hate to promote diversity and celebrate the values of respect and inclusion, having commemorated the inaugural event in 2019 as a Champion Sponsor of the ADL.

We have a track record of championing women as well, particularly in advocating for women’s access to health care. Not only this, but our firm continues to fight for civil rights as seen in our success fighting Texas’s refusal to comply with a federal voter registration law, a case we won as led by Waters & Kraus partner Caitlyn Silhan.

Waters & Kraus strongly believes that no one should ever be silenced or discriminated against—especially those who are marginalized in our communities. We are honored to fight for and partner with organizations that bring together our entire community. And we are committed to fighting for liberty and justice for all.

How Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel Can Help

With a national presence and international experience fighting fraud and negligence, Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel provides aggressive representation throughout the entire course of litigation. To learn more about legal representation at Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel, or to have one of our attorneys review your potential case, email us or call 800.226.9880.

Why Choose Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel?

Our Clients

Our clients are individuals often fighting insurmountable odds… READ MORE

Our Results

Our results speak for themselves. More than $1.38 billion in recoveries… READ MORE

Talcum Powder Now Classified as ‘Probable Carcinogen’

January 16, 2025 Two widely respected international health organizations have taken decisive steps to warn the public about health risks associated with talcum powder. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have classified talc as…

WK Partner Elected Officer of Prestigious Consumer Advocacy Organization

September 20, 2007 WK Partner Elected Officer of Prestigious Consumer Advocacy Organization Gary Paul Elected Treasurer of American Association for Justice LOS ANGELES — September 20, 2007 — Gary M. Paul, a partner at Waters & Kraus, LLP, was elected treasurer of the American Association for Justice (AAJ) at the organization’s annual conference in July. AAJ is dedicated to preserving the civil justice system to ensure that powerful special interests are held accountable when they engage in misconduct or negligence. Paul will serve as the organization’s treasurer for 2007-2008. He previously served as parliamentarian. He is another step closer to being president of…
Gary Paul

What are my chances?

That’s the first question everyone asks. The truth is it’s impossible to know. But we can tell you this. Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel has what it takes to fight against big corporate interests and win. That’s why we’ve taken more mesothelioma trials to verdict than any other firm. And that’s why we’ve recovered more than $1.3 billion for clients like you. Do you think you have a case? Contact us now to speak with an attorney.

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