
Posts Tagged ‘asbestos lawyer’

Questions to ask when hiring a mesothelioma lawyer

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer caused by exposure to asbestos that often takes decades to manifest. Read on for questions to ask when hiring a mesothelioma lawyer.

Questions to ask when hiring a mesothelioma lawyer

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you will naturally have many medical questions. Once you develop a better understanding of the disease and treatment options, you may also have questions related to whether you have legal recourse.

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure, and businesses that produce asbestos-containing materials but fail to warn consumers...

The 5 Most Common Ways People are Exposed to Asbestos

asbestos law firm

The 5 Most Common Ways People are Exposed to Asbestos

Asbestos is a dangerous carcinogen and naturally occurring mineral. Despite the known risks, it is still being used in production in America. And even though asbestos usage is not nearly as prevalent as it was before the 1980s, it continues to pose a threat in new products and in old buildings and homes built during the era when asbestos was widely used in construction and other industries....

Asbestos Use in America – An Ongoing Concern

Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos Use in America – An Ongoing Concern

When following the number of stories about asbestos and its role in cancer, health problems, and deaths over the years, one might think the United States has already banned it from use. Surprisingly, that’s not the case. Although manufacturers do not use asbestos as abundantly as they once did, it is still found in many homes and office spaces here in the U.S. During a time when more than 60...

How Wildfires Can Expose Residents to Asbestos

expose residents to asbestos

How Wildfires Can Expose Residents to Asbestos

For many years now, scientists have persistently confirmed that climate change is bound to increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters worldwide. Here at home, we feel that climate warming in the form of severe wildfires, particularly in our western states. While fire is a natural and sometimes beneficial part of ecosystems found in the mountain ranges of California and Oregon,...

The Threat of Asbestos Exposure After a Hurricane

The Threat of Asbestos Exposure After a Hurricane

Hurricane readiness is a skill needed by an estimated 44.8% of the nation’s population. Each year, coastal states stretching from Maine to Texas are threatened by Atlantic Hurricanes that bring powerful winds, heavy rain, and often disastrous flooding. While Americans are generally prepared for the initial impact of a destructive storm, many are not aware of the imminent danger of asbestos...

Asbestos Might Be Lurking in Your Home

asbestos contamination

Asbestos Might Be Lurking in Your Home

Older homes, for all their charm and elegance, appeal to a wide range of buyers in search of timeless staircases and well-crafted fireplace mantles. It’s understandable why efficiently built houses today do not compare even with modern conveniences we’ve come to expect. But leaving aside the graceful details and sophisticated design of homes built before the 1980s, there is one thing that...

Honor Our Military Veterans — Veterans Day 2020

Honor Our Military Veterans — Veterans Day 2020

November 11, 1918, marked the end of World War I and, in 1938, November 11 became an official holiday in the United States: Veterans Day. Now, each year on this day, we celebrate the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in the United States armed forces. Many Louisianans use the Veterans Day holiday to visit the graves of fallen soldiers and honor those who continue to fight for our...

Update – Increased Asbestos Concern Over Polaris Quad Bikes

asbestos in brake pads

Update – Increased Asbestos Concern Over Polaris Quad Bikes

A Whistleblower within Polaris Claims that Children’s Quad Bikes Contaminated with Asbestos Number well over the 15,000 Recalled

A whistleblower within Polaris, a U.S.-based company, alleges that the recall of thousands of children’s quad bikes in Australia because of the potential for asbestos exposure does not cover all of the bikes with contaminated parts. Polaris announced a...

Mesothelioma Victim Receives $7.55M Verdict

Mesothelioma Victim Receives $7.55M Verdict

A Power Plant worker and his wife are awarded a multimillion-dollar verdict in a Massachusetts asbestos trial.

BOSTON – A Boston jury handed down a verdict of $7.55 million dollars to a power plant worker and his wife against New England Insulation (NEI), which sold, distributed, ripped out, and installed asbestos insulation material until the early 1970s. Gerald...

Polaris Recalls Quad Bikes Over Asbestos Concerns

asbestos concerns

Polaris Recalls Quad Bikes Over Asbestos Concerns

Asbestos Found in Multiple Service Parts Leads to Recall of Youth Quad Bikes

Polaris has recalled several models of its youth quad bikes, manufactured between 2001 and 2017, because asbestos was found in the brake pads, brake shoes, washers, and gaskets. The “powersports” company, which sells its products globally, is based in Minnesota and conducted the asbestos tests here in the...

What are my chances?

That’s the first question everyone asks. The truth is it’s impossible to know. But we can tell you this. Waters Kraus Paul & Siegel has what it takes to fight against big corporate interests and win. That’s why we’ve taken more mesothelioma trials to verdict than any other firm. And that’s why we’ve recovered more than $1.3 billion for clients like you. Do you think you have a case? Contact us now to speak with an attorney.

Call 800.226.9880